When Courage is Your MIssing Ingredient, You Need Self Empowerment

If you find yourself searching the internet for web life advice, you are probably longing for a life transformation. You maybe feel vaguely discontent or supremely frustrated. Either way, these are indicators you need to make a change. That change begins with a renewed or new focus on your personal development. But where to begin?

Well, that depends on where you’re stuck. However, as a general foundation, you will need to learn to manage your emotions and break through your fears to develop the focus you need and eliminate distractions to get the clarity that will reveal your next step. Don’t worry, it’s not as daunting as you may think. Often times folks just need to give themselves permission to become who they’re meant to be to share their gifts to help uplift the world. However, that journey is a process. And if you say yes, that becomes the journey you’re on. 

Over the decades of doing this work I’ve learned a lot that I am eager to share with you. 

That’s why I’m share this video that I recorded with my first business coach Kellan Fluckiger. It was a great lesson on how much we can learn from people who have different backgrounds, world views etc. We did this before I had presented at international conferences, created my Empowered Innovation [CFAaP] System or written “A cure for racism”…but I was dreaming of an opportunity along the lines of my Art-Research Residency with We The World . 

He shared things it took me far longer than I’d like to admit to understand or accept. Working with him both helped my confidence and helped me see how much work I needed to do. 

A Comfortfree Conversation About Courage With Yvette Dubel

S2 Ep1 What to do when you don’t know what to do

When Courage is Your MIssing Ingredient, You Need Self Empowerment